What happens when you take the reading away?

In a horrifying contrast to the previous post, there is the news from LA regarding the wholesale removal of Teacher Librarians from school libraries. What kind of citizens will those schools produce? If they do not have the staff to provide reading resources and subject materials to support student learning, where will the students find help locating books to read, information for research tasks, help with referencing? If there are no school librarians, will the school libraries stay open?

LA Times article.

Eyewitness blog post from a school librarian.

Reading Takes You Higher

Up the professional ladder, that is.

An article on the School Library Journal blog: Pleasure Reading Leads to Professional Careers, Study Says discusses  a recent UK study finding links between reading and career achievement.

Apparently a childhood/teenage-years habit of reading for pleasure has a strong association to future employment in a professional field. I’d be interested to know whether there were also any strong links between preferred genres and future careers… though I doubt it. Perhaps more telling would be willingness to read a variety of genres – would a broader range of interests link to a career requiring multitasking and wide general knowledge, whilst expertise in a single genre would be good preparation for a career requiring laser-like focus and concentration? (FYI I love fantasy, sci-fi, mysteries, stories of other cultures, a bit of history, humour, a dash of action/adventure, the occasional bit of chick-lit in the holidays… which is why I did not end up dedicating my life to (for example) finding a cure for cancer. I am too interested in everything else)

What’s your reading profile?

Where are books going?

One of the biggest topics in school libraries at the moment seems to be the question of ebooks. We all (infrastructure and finances permitting) make use of online databases to support reference needs – I teach Years 3 and 4 how to use the online Encyclopaedia Britannica, students in the Senior School learn how to use Ebsco Host and Warner science databases. From the initial teething problems ten years ago I think that schools and school libraries have moved on to being completely comfortable with this model.

Now we have ebooks – there are so many formats, so many devices, pricing issues, access issues, delivery models – it feels like standing in the middle of a scene from Harry Potter, with all the elements whirling wildy around the room and we teacher librarians are grabbing at items as they pass, trying to fit them together into something that will work with our existing systems, that we can share with students and staff, that will be manageable, that will evolve as this new industry evolves…

My school has just purchased OverDrive, and the Library staff are working through the training modules, learning how to view, preview, select, and order titles, making decisions about Quick Link search menus and e-collection organisation, trying to get comfortable with this new system before we open it up to the school community. This is exciting for us, but challenging too, and the big questions right now are:

  • how much of our annual budget to allocate to ebooks,
  • who do we target (which year groups, staff, wider school community)
  • what do we provide (non-fiction topics? fiction genres? audio books?)

From the midst of all this I have just seen the TED Talk video below (oh the power of the Twitter PLN!) – and I wonder where the book is going now?

After the initial feelings of awe, I’m left with still more questions:

  • Won’t this make books even more expensive?
  • Will these kinds of things be out of reach of all but the wealthiest and most well-equipped?
  • Do you have to have internet-connected devices to make it work?
  • Where is the opportunity to share or comment on the contents?
  • While deeply cool, is this just a better package than the current book+cdrom model?

I’m still thinking…..

Moments of Discovery

I had some Year 6 students today who were working on a wiki that I asked them to create based on a Tectonic Plate webquest. Mostly they were doing okay with finding basic facts (eg what does a seismologist do?) by themselves, and very keen on finding relevant YouTube videos (they knew that irrelevant videos would not cut the mustard). It was interesting to me to see that my most important role was in prompting them to take the next step in putting together several pieces of information and articulating the new idea that created. For instance:

  • a student found maps showing the tectonic plates of the Earth’s crust, the distribution of earthquakes around the world and the active volcanoes around the world. I asked him to look at the dots of the volcanoes and earthquakes and how they followed the lines of the edges of the tectonic plates, and asked him what was the next thought he could say about that? To begin with he could only put the first two ideas together, but with some prompting he was able to say that perhaps the three things were related. It hadn’t occurred to him to put three pieces of pictorial information together that way.
  • a student playing the part of astronomer has found an interesting diagram about Mars’ magnetic field, but couldn’t explain it. He and his partner went back to the website and read through the notes to discover that putting the written information together with the diagram they could visualise and then explain the concept – he was so pleased to be able to see it clearly in his head and say it clearly on his astronomy page!
  • a student looking at biology had found information about the Tasmanian Beech, a native deciduous tree, that was supposed to be significant in supporting the idea of Continental Drift, but when I asked him to explain he merely demonstrated his great skill at reading the copied-and-pasted text. So I asked him what was important about that tree, what was so strange?? This was where environmental factors made it harder for him to get the point – Hobart is full of buildings and parks and gardens built and established in the earliest days of European settlement of Australia so – unlike most of mainland Australia – spring is heralded by flowers and new leaves on bare branches, and autumn is glorious with gold and red leaves heaped in piles under liquid ambers and stone fruit trees. We had a chat about Australian native plants usually being evergreen, how our winters simply aren’t harsh enough or long enough to make hibernation a necessity, and suddenly the lightbulb went on! Why was this native tree deciduous?? A flurry of typing altered his original entry to reflect his new understanding.

This turned out to be such an exciting pair of lessons for me! These groups had had a couple of lessons using their wikis, and had gotten past the initial confusion and messiness of trying a new technology, and were able to concentrate on understanding the purpose of the task. From trouble-shooting the ‘what am I doing?’ and ‘how do I xyz?’ questions we had moved on to constructing personal meaning  – not bad for a total of four lessons!

Reading back over the above examples, I am also struck by the information skills required – one student needed to compare sets of visual data, the next had to put text and visual data together to grasp the concept, and the last needed to take text and visual data and compare it to pre-existing general knowledge in order to make an important discovery! I think that if I take a moment to look over the NETS for students, or 21st Century Learning Skills, I would find that the types of thinking being used by some of my students today are part of a suite of metal tools that many consider will be necessary to equip them for life in a digitised future.

Now if only I could replicate this for every class I teach…

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